The mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus) is a species of ungulate endemic to North America that is perfectly adapted to the harsh climate of alpine, subalpine and even high-altitude habitats. It is well-suited to climbing around cliffs and ice and has a preference for terrain with steep and rocky slopes where it is safe from predators. The species forms part of the Caprinea subfamily that also includes wild sheep, true goats, chamois and even muskox. Despite its vernacular name it doesn’t belong to the Capra genus that assembles all other goats, including the domestic goat. It is the only surviving species in the genus Oreamnos. With its thick wooly coat, its rectangular face and its little beard it is a rather intriguing, exotic looking goat. Not all that common, we were lucky to be able to observe this unusual white wooly beast on a couple of occasions. I would have loved to be able to photograph it against a white snowy background matching its coat, but that will have to wait for another time……