June 2021: This is my third trip to the French Alps to observe and photograph pygmy owls. At this time of the year the youngsters normally have only just left their nesthole and it is a very good time to spot them relatively low in the branches. The workshops are never the same from one year to the next, on the contrary, every trip is an opportunity to observe different behaviours, and every time I am there I get to know this fascinating species a little bit better. This summer the search for the fledglings prooved to be longer and more complicated than last time (2019), but in the end our patience and perseverance paid off and we were able to spend a lot of time sharing the daily routine of the pygmy owl family.

Icing on the cake, towards the end of the second day a summer shower allowed us to witness a rarely documented scene: One of the fledglings, perched up in the leafy heights of a tree was taking a bath, or rather a shower in the rain. Both wings fully spread out, slowly turning to ensure even coverage, the young pygmy was visibly enjoying getting wet in the warm summer rain.

Here is my collection of images from this memorable trip:

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